These are some of the questions I’ve been asked about the mission of Forgotten Voices International. The answer that I try best to give is that change, change which is self-sustaining and the community that is called to bring about that change is the global Christian Church. We, the global Christian church are a community called together to embody, exemplify, represent, personify, characterize, bring to life (ok you get the point) God’s redemptive relationship with creation. The church communities, both locally in the United States and in Sub-Saharan Africa are the primary social structures through which the Gospel works to change the lives of communities and individuals alike. How do we, as the church in America best fight against the seemingly entrenched causes and effects of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in southern Sahara Africa? We stand alongside our brother and sister churches in the region, affirming that our roles are one and the same; we are the visible expression of God’s redemptive work.
We will as one, embody the hope of Christ by providing the children of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa a chance to no longer be defined by the disease that took the lives of their loved ones, but instead be empowered by schooling, health care, counseling, income generating projects and access to clean water.
We will as one, exemplify the call of Christ by empowering the pastors of sub-Saharan Africa to stand up and lead their congregations in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
We will as one, build long-lasting relationships with orphans, pastors, theological colleges, caretakers, and churches in order to unify that visible expression of God’s redemptive work.
We will as one, make mistakes, learn from them and humbly ask for God to continue his Great work of redemption in our individual lives, communities, government structures, culture, and all of creation.
Will you, join us, as we become one global Christian Church seeking to share the love of God through physical assistance and spiritual restoration in Zimbabwe, Zambia, the United States and around the World?
Lindsay Reilly - Forgotten Voices Board Member and Research Analyst at Global Scripture Impact
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