Forgotten Voices' Mission:

"Demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ by equipping local churches in southern Africa to meet the physical & spiritual needs of children orphaned by AIDS in their communities."

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Learning from Hope

Today's story is from one of my favorite people in Africa - my dear, young friend Hope. She is Remmy Hamapande's niece. Remmy is our Zambia Director, who some of you were able to meet in Oct/Nov 2010. One of my favorite things in all the world is to sit and learn from children. Hope's eternal joy and quiet smile always warms my heart. It is no exaggeration to say that she has helped me get through dark times. When I come to Zambia, I stay with Remmy's family, including Hope.

After spending a long day with children who have recently lost their parents or assessing a difficult situation, it is common for me to return home exhausted and out of steam. But, Hope - like God's gift of hope - always invigorates me with her request to play games outside or UNO. Her endless joy refreshes me and helps me refocus on God's hope for all who I've seen that day. She is always concerned to make sure I'm doing well and always enjoys a laugh. From Hope, I've learned to come home to my daughter ready to play, laugh, and love despite a tough day. For all the kids we serve, I long to create a family environment of laughter and hope - a lesson Hope has helped me learn again and again.

I'm thankful Hope offered to write this. Though she is shy, her heart is full of love for all of us. I hope that her reflection, offered with love, offers you hope.

Ryan Keith - President, Forgotten Voices

(Click to enlarge)

Hope Shanungu, 12 year old from Ndola, Zambia


brian said...

What a heartwarming note from such a precious young girl. Thanks so much for sharing!

Ellen said...

Hope, I'm so glad you agreed to write something for us! Thanks for taking good care of my friends when they visit Zambia. I'll be thinking of you on Christmas day, knowing that you're sharing a great meal and showing God's love to those who need to know He cares for them.