Forgotten Voices' Mission:

"Demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ by equipping local churches in southern Africa to meet the physical & spiritual needs of children orphaned by AIDS in their communities."

Friday, December 17, 2010

Changing Lives Through Education

All of us hopefully have or have had employment. Maybe we have had many different types of jobs. We may like the one we are in now or it may be hard for us to see the purpose in going to work and contributing our 8 or so hours a day to this corporate machine called American economics.

I myself have had the struggle recently of finding full time employment. It has been hard and there have been dark days, but along the way I picked up a part time job tutoring students in math. I have a math degree and am happy to use it to help these students. Many of them will not go to college or will have a very hard time in college with their current math level. For the couple hours I see them a week, I strive to change that. In helping them with their math right now, I am helping to shape their future. They realize that they can do it and that they are smart. Rather than math being a crutch, they realize their strengths.

Over in Zimbabwe and Zambia, many children aren’t just struggling in a specific subject. They are hoping for the opportunity just to go to school. Just to learn. Aristotle once said, “Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.” What these children need is a refuge; the opportunity to learn, to change their futures. This is where Forgotten Voices steps in. We, through the local church, allow these young minds to grow and learn.

So today while you are working, think about what you can do for the education system. Can you help out in your local school system? Maybe you want to help Forgotten Voices reach out to those forgotten students in southern Africa. If you are a student, count your blessings that you are able to attend school in this country. Think about what you and your classmates can do to help other students throughout the world. Give the gift of learning by contributing to Forgotten Voices International and visiting

Matt Kirkley
- Volunteer Director of Student Relations

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