Forgotten Voices' Mission:

"Demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ by equipping local churches in southern Africa to meet the physical & spiritual needs of children orphaned by AIDS in their communities."

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Albright Shout Out - More on Happiness

Students at Albright - Thanks for having me! I was thankful you let me be part of our your last day before Thanksgiving break! Thanks for your patience and genuine interest in the work of Forgotten Voices.

It is deeply encouraging to spend time with people that are interested in changing the world AND believe they can.

As a follow up to our conversation, I wanted to send along an article that a friend just passed on to me. It is directly related to our conversation about relative depravity and how we measure happiness as people.

You can check out the article by clicking here.

Thanks again and have a VERY happy Thanksgiving!

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