Forgotten Voices' Mission:

"Demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ by equipping local churches in southern Africa to meet the physical & spiritual needs of children orphaned by AIDS in their communities."

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Life In the Third World

Ryan has left for home to see Katie and he has left me he all alone in Zimbabwe. Well, not really, I have made some nice friends. After dropping Ryan off I headed back into the city to get some errands done. I found myself out back in Magwagwe North where the Free Methodist Chuch is. I stopped by the house of Ronald (a volunteer helper at the church, Pastor Fibian is out of town visiting his parents) and we headed by the church. We ended up getting some money and going over to a school to pay 3 kids school fees. Just like that, not even planned, we were able to pay for 3 kids to go to school for the next semester. Awesome stuff. Tomorrow I will be heading back down to Mtshibasi to go and re visit some of the Aids orphans --- it is important to me that I go and see them a second time and not jsut be a one in and out type deal. And I will have time to meet and interview some of the leaders of the Mtshiabsi Aids mission. After a few days back there I will head back to Bulawayo with internet access where I can write more on FVI and what I am doing here. Thanks to Ryan for a great leg of the trip, it was fun spending time with him and learning the ropes here in Zimbabwe about what FVI is doing. In short, FVI is a great idea and a great organizations and very respected around these parts --- more to come later on that. Stephen.

Stephen Bozzo Jr.
(631) 371-9412

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