Forgotten Voices' Mission:

"Demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ by equipping local churches in southern Africa to meet the physical & spiritual needs of children orphaned by AIDS in their communities."

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

12/17 - It's Christmas, let's get radical

When you get right down to it, Christmas is a pretty radical thing. I mean, it's the Son of God coming to earth wrapped in the vulnerable flesh of His own creation. That's crazy. It's completely radical. Yet, I am happy for a God that gets radical when it is necessary. What an example! When our own sinful ways called for a radical reconciliation, God was ready to do whatever it would take. There was no sacrifice too great, no price too high.

This leads me to believe that it might be time for us all to think of Christmas a little differently. Perhaps a little more radically. Please take a moment to watch the video posted below. I am certainly not advocating that every person fully subscribe to the ideas presented in this clip. However, I do humbly request that you examine your heart this Christmas and decide how you can best honor the radical gift of Jesus.

Please let me be forthright in declaring that Forgotten Voices is not simply an organization. Nor is it a sedate philanthropic institution. It's not even a movement. Forgotten Voices is response to an emergency taking place in southern Africa. Our partners show love in radical ways. When our friends and family find themselves in an emergency situation, we respond - and we respond in radical ways if necessary. As our brothers and sisters, many of them children, suffer in Zimbabwe and Zambia we continue to ask how we can respond in radical ways. Please consider giving a gift this Christmas to help Forgotten Voices bring hope to children in southern Africa. There is a good chance that your co-workers, friends, or family may not understand why you would choose to use your money in this way. That's alright. It's radical, I know. But I think that's the best part.

From the bottom of my heart, thanks to all who have been radical during this Advent season by giving a gift to one of the many children we serve. We love you all deeply.

To those who are radical I send blessings,


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