Forgotten Voices' Mission:

"Demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ by equipping local churches in southern Africa to meet the physical & spiritual needs of children orphaned by AIDS in their communities."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Stop 5 of 25: Touring Twapia -- Part 1

This time last year, Remmy -- the Forgotten Voices' Program Director in Zambia -- shared with us about a community called Twapia on our blog.

You can read Remmy's entry about Twapia Evangelical Church of Zambia here. Meet the Chiwasas and hear their personal story of intervening with their church to champion the cause of potentially forgotten people.

That was a year ago --- before you all gave and helped us launch a partnership with this church. By God's grace and your faithfulness in giving, we are several months into equipping this church to meet the physical & spiritual needs of children orphaned by AIDS in the Twapia community.

TODAY: We are helping this local church send 40 children orphaned by AIDS back to school. In addition, 15 other vulnerable children are attending school now. 10 widows and 2 others in the community are receiving income generating project assistance and life-skill training to better equip them for the difficult roads ahead in life.

In short, the church is responding to the commands of Christ -- to look out for widows and orphans. Praise be to God for our opportunity to hear their experiences and come together to support their work.

Imagine life for these kids if you had not said yes to donating to Forgotten Voices? Imagine if Twapia ECZ had said no to trusting that God would provide assistance to help them meet the calling they believe God has placed on their church to do this work? Thanks for your faithfulness and saying YES!

NOW: Pray for Twapia ECZ's continued service to these vulnerable children and widows. Pray for Forgotten Voices, as the costs for this program are about $4,000 every 6 months and the next payment is due in December. We currently do not have funds to keep these kids in school. Pray about your ability to help be a voice for these children and the church that is caring for them 24/7. Maybe you and some friends want to take on this challenge?

NEXT STOP: Our next stop in the journey won't very long. I'm taking you to a project about 200 yards away from Twapia ECZ -- a new project that we haven't started funding yet, but the Board just approved. We are looking for people out there that want to partner with us to get this project off the ground. Tune in tomorrow as you pray about Being a Voice for the community of Twapia, in partnership with Forgotten Voices.

Until tomorrow,
Sleep well,

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